
New York

Columbia Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center (24/7): 212-854-HELP (4357)

Safe Horizon Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline (24/7): 212-227-3000

LIFENET Mental Health and Substance Abuse Hotline (24/7): 800-LIFENET (543-3638)

LIFENET Hotline — TTY for hearing impaired (24/7): 212-982-5284


Sexual & DOMESTIC violence

Domestic Violence Hotline (24/7): 800-799-SAFE (7233)

Domestic Violence Hotline — Spanish (24/7): 800-942-6908

Deaf Hotline Advocates — Videophone (M-F: 9am-5pm EST): 855-812-1001

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network Hotline (24/7): 800-656-HOPE (4673)

RAINN Online Hotline (24/7)

Anti-Violence Project Hotline — Spanish/English (24/7; LGBTQ-specific): 212-714-1141

Mental Health

National Suicide Lifeline (24/7): 800-273-TALK (8255)

Lifeline Crisis Chat (24/7)

The Trevor Project (24/7; ages 13-24; LGBTQ-specific): 866-488-7386

Veteran's Crisis Line (24/7): 800-273-8255

National Eating Disorders Association (M-Th: 9am-9pm EST; F: 9am-5pm EST): 800-931-2237